Cocoa Asia Vs Africa

Cocoa tree diagram
Cocoa for sale  
Cocoa tree flower 
Cocoa tree Fruit 
Cocoa tree leaves 
Cocoa plants for sale

The Criteria of climatic conditions required for cocoa cultivation and as published by FAO, Asian countries like Indonesia Malaysia are future leaders of cocoa producers in the world.

At the present time Indonesia is the third largest Exporter of cocoa in the world beside having largest cocoa grinding plants located inside the country itself.

Farmers in Asia are reported to be more profited with cocoa cultivation than the farmers of west Africa.

The cocoa consumption rate in Asia is increasing day by day. 25% increase in the recent years have sighted a clear future of cocoa cultivation ahead.

Cocoa cultivation is turning competitive day by day and to survive in the competition Indonesia has some advantages over the cocoa giant Ghana. We can see that literacy rate of Indonesia is 95% wheareas Ghana is 79%. So terms like pesticides or their names, international guidelines from FAO, sustainable farming, certifications like Rainforest alliance etc will be more favourable for the Indonesians.

According to the world bank Ease of doing business in Indonesia is 73% but at the same time political unstability in Ghana or other west African countries results in unstable ease of doing business, as 60% or sometimes even at 92% . So we can clearly mention that Asia is a stable place to be invested by the cocoa or chocolate companies.

 Leading global players are also investing in the region. Olam Cocoa, Asia’s largest cocoa exporter has spent around US$20 million in programs to train local farmers on sustainable growing practices and techniques and maximise their profits.

In Indonesia, the government is launching a national program to boost cocoa bean production to 600,000 tonnes by 2024. According to the Indonesian Cocoa Association, such a huge number would be enough to meet local demand and exports. It has planned programs to help farmers revitalise crops with special fertilizers and superior seeds, said Piter Jasman, founder of the country’s top grinder, BT Cocoa.

The Philippines has also shown interest in the market. A 2017 report, outlined the government’s intent to establish a sustainable and competitive cacao industry that would see the country joining the global supply chain.


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